PlanBe, Plan it Be it” is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization based in Nicosia, Cyprus,  managed by a team of youth workers, project managers and volunteers.

One of the main aims of “PlanBe” is to contribute to positive societal changes by promoting well-being and personal development in youth. The mission of our organization is to develop and  support the use of non-formal education, foster entrepreneurship, boost creativity, support environmental consciousness, promote sustainability, foster democracy and human rights and develop solidarity and tolerance among youngsters. Our main focusis to fight climate change and raising awareness to youngsters of sustainable living practices, circular economy, the agriculture of our island, and to promote environmentally sustainable lives. Therefore, we mainly design and run workshops and projects related to environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship and circular economy, tangible and intangible, and how young people can gain new skills through sustainable living practises but also how youngsters can help in the betterment of the environment, find new job opportunities, to reduce pollution and to transmit these good practices to younger generations.

“PlanBe” has been established to support young people from all over Cyprus within the framework of non-formal and informal education. Together with volunteers coming from all over Europe, we are creating a fruitful ground for young people to reach their goals, gain new skills, get to know their culture and cultural heritage and promote mobility. We are working for and with the youngsters. We encourage their involvement in the civic space of Cyprus by facilitating innovative free time activities, stimulating their creativity and by developing their different skills. We support youngsters to use and develop their capacities and to actively participate in the vision of a united Europe in order to foster European cooperation.

Since 2018, our NGO has become a EuroDesk multiplier. Eurodesk unites a network of over 1000 youth experts in 35 countries under a mission to raise awareness among young people on learning mobility opportunities and to encourage them to become active citizens.

More info about Eurodesk Cyprus 

Since 2019 our organisation is part of  The Anna Lindh Foundation which is an international organization working from the Mediterranean to promote intercultural and civil society dialogue in the face of growing mistrust and polarization.

More info about The Anna Lindh Foundation

PlanBe, since the beginning of 2024 has been a European Climate Pact Member. The European Climate Pact is a movement of people united around a common cause, each taking steps in their own worlds to build a more sustainable Europe. Launched by the European Commission, the Pact is part of the European Green Deal and is helping the EU to meet its goal to become climate-neutral by 2050. Everyone has a place in the Pact. You can get involved whether you are just starting out on your climate action journey or already working to make a difference in your world. You can take part as an individual or as an organisation – for example, a city, a community or an association.


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Kratitirion 4 Kokkinotrimithia,Nicosia, Cyprus    

Post Office Box : 12072

Postal Code: 2340