Be Responsible

27 of August – 04th of September 2019

Wisla, Poland

Training Course


”Be responsible” project hosted in Wisla in Poland on 27 August 2019 until 4 September 2019. This project had two topics, how to be a good coach with youngsters and about the responsible consumption. From 8 different European countries, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Poland three youngsters and older people who work with youngsters participated on the project.


The first of the topics was based on the qualifications and necessary knowledge that each coach who work with youngsters had to have for this purpose. The second one was about the responsible consumption. This was about how we could consume with a way that this process couldn’t have any or less as possible negative impact to others and the environment.





On these programs the learning method is based on different informal methods. So, the participants had the chance to learn new methods about this type of learning from the receiving organization and from other participant organizations. Also, we meet people from other European countries and learn some about their cultures as well, in the international evenings the participants had the opportunity to taste some food and drink from other countries or learn from others some important information and dance traditional dances all together.


We would like to thank the sending organization PlanBe Plan it Be it, which gave us the chance to participate on this project, the receiving organization, for its hospitality and the Erasmus+ which is funding this project.