Many people talk about Europe and take advantage of the European Union’s possibilities of free movement, study and work all over its’ countries. But do we really know what we are talking about? Which are our rights? What options we are offered?
Probably yes. But truly, no. Along the year, a variety of European programs are sponsored by the EU in order to give the opportunity to all its’ members to meet their chances and experience their possibilities abroad or in their own countries.
“Building Europe” was a project especially created to provide knowledge – gained among non-formal education activities- to all EU citizens about EU’s basic goals and aspects, its members’ rights, political or economic situation in each country, while at the same time we had the chance to meet and make new friends, get to know different customs and practice many languages.
The way the exercises where built, through games, creativity and especially critical thinking, gave as the ability to improve our language skills as well as expressing our thoughts and ideas on various social, political or economic issues and share aspects of our own routine in Cyprus. We had the chance to discuss about our country’s problems and the way we are affected by the situation with the Turkish occupation.
The same way it was interesting learning about other countries difficulties from people of our age, subjected to their own unique and perhaps primarily unknown to us everyday lives.
Besides sessions and the cultural nights, it was an experience worth living, as we managed to open ourselves and get closer to others in order to achieve the program’s goals. I believe we all have one moment, a party, a friend or a discussion to remember for the rest of our lives.
You should try it too!