8th – 16th December 2018
Kannavia Village, Cyprus
Youth Exchange
Project Summary
The project “Career in Action II” took place in Nicosia District through the period 8-16/12/2018, involving 42 participants coming from Cyprus, Austria, Italy, Spain, Poland, Greece and Portugal.
In the context of the ongoing financial crisis high rate of youth unemployment, the project aims to familiarize the youth with existing professions, share experiences and practices in each country on the respective professions presented, and help them understand their importance, as well as develop related skills through non-formal education. The main aim of this project is the personal and professional development of youth.
The youth exchange “Career In Action Part II” is a follow up activity of the project Careen In Action since we wanted to give the opportunity to even more young people to increase their skills and competences, to develop their personal and career life. Career in Action Part II is a revised version of the previous since it gets even more deep on sessions that are essential for the personal growth such as Goal setting, stress management, time management etc. It is an international project under the Erasmus+ focusing on career guidance of 42 unemployed young people or people that want to change their career direction. Through workshops, discussions, simulation games, study visits and non formal education activities we are targeting to the personal and professional development of participants.
- The enhancement of knowledge of young people living in remote areas or facing economical or social obstacles, around professions and skills, so as to bridge the gap between existing professions and skills
- The communication of information based on the project, that shall lead to career guidance for young people towards existing professions
- To develop youth digital skills by creating a video on career development
- To increase innovation, research and development
- To promote the knowledge and information regarding which jobs are suitable to young people
The main activities included sessions about what is Erasmus + how to catch the European chances for a better career path and of course more funny but always interesting activities like “treasure hunt” at Kannavia village to enrich our knowledge about Cypriot countryside and to learn more about the customs of the country .Moreover participants had the chance to come closer to the Cypriot tastes during baking our local homemade sweets called “melomakarona” . Also through the “intercultural nights” they had the chance to learn about new folklore dances and traditional customs for every country. Participants got the opportunity to interacting with locals by working together for the Christmas decoration of the village.
Although had the chance for part time activities like hiking and exploring the nearest forest to collect mushrooms. One of the main goals of the project it’s to believe in ourselves and learn more about the future “weapons” we have. through the whole program participants accomplished more than we expect. Last but not least a big surprise meeting with Santa Claus of Kannavia that gave Christmas presents to the participants of Career in Action Part II
- PlanBe, Plan it, Be it (Cyprus)
- TDM 2000 (Italy)
- SUPPORT (Austria)
- Stowarzyszenie Inicjatyw Regionalnych (Poland)
- Associacao Check-in Cooperacao Edesenvolvimento (Portugal)
- Associació Escull Solidari (Spain)
- Kinoniki Sinetairistiki Epicherisi Elliniki Symmetochi Neon (Greece)
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