This project is about new dimension of active citizenship – online citizenship. It will highlight concept of digital citizenship, which helps young people, youth workers and multiplayers to understand what young people should know for using technology appropriately. Digital citizenship in this case is the norms of appropriate and responsible using of technology. Also, this project should highlight freedom of expression and human rights on internet. In fact, freedom of expression covers all forms of human expression, including the written word, visual images, video, music and etc. It is therefore particularly relevant to online activity: everything online is an “expression” and it is potentially covered by this right. Freedom of expression is essential to human dignity, and it also plays a key role in democratic society. Without freedom of expression, democracy cannot function and without democracy – human rights are almost unprotected. This project is organized to improve the level of key competence and skills of youth workers and also young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life and the labor market, active citizenship, intercultural dialogue, antidiscrimination, social inclusion and solidarity, through increased learning mobility opportunities for people, who are active in youth work or youth organizations from Programme and Partner countries.
• To promote responsible and active online networking at various levels on European citizenship and connect it the values of cultural diversity and social inclusion;
• To adopt tools and measures for fighting discrimination, hate speech and racism on Internet;
• To educate youth workers for development of digital competences of young people and the promotion of social responsibility among them;
• To practice democracy and participation of young people online;
• To promote and identify relevant measures for personal, social and professional security on the Internet among participants;
• To develop creativity and internet literacy of the participants;
• Develop visual tools to promote social responsibility on the Internet and online safety.
PARTICIPANTS(2 Cypriots – 360 euro travel reimbursement each)
Youth workers and active youth leaders, who have:
-curiosity and desire to learn skills about online citizenship;
-basic knowledge of IT;
-good level of English language;
-tolerance and openness to other cultures;
-owning a desire to expand the project results.
Full program here:Click ON_Programme_v01
Applications until 18/01/2017