20th-24th of July 2021
Cagliari, Italy
Training Course
Digital Youth Dialogue and e-participation in policy making” is a project within the Key Action 3 of the Erasmus+ Programme. an island partnership between Cyprus, Sardinia, Malta, and Azores Islands. Together with all partners, we got the chance to meet on the beautiful island of Sardinia hosted by TDM2000 NGO. During our stay in Sardinia in July 2021 we were able to work on the platform that was created for the project. With all participants, we worked as a team to identify the needs of the platform and make it more user-friendly, especially for young people who are willing to learn more about the digitalization of youth policies. Our stay in Sardinia was accompanied by a workshop on Structural Dialogue based on thematic that concerns our youth that mostly live on an island. with the help of TDM2000 Team, we were able to identify the problems and present it in plenary in front of people who might help us change policies.