About the project:
Em(path) is an inspired project that touches the personal, professional and emotional life of all demography in the world – mainly youth workers. Mastering EI is strongly connected to Social Emotional Learning (SEL) – a process through which we understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
This is why an investment into the personal development of the youth workers in terms of their EI & SEL skills is necessary. It might become the major key towards providing quality youth work on a global level that shall positively impact the overall inclusion of the youth with fewer opportunities into Erasmus+.
Aims & Objectives
1. PROMOTE WELL-BEING to support well-being & foster assessment of transversal skills and the professional development of participating youth workers
2. PROMOTE EI & SEL EDUCATION to promote EI & SEL education for mental health & well-being of youth workers and youth in general
3. CREATE A METHODOLOGY to create a methodology framework for support & inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities through EI & SEL in NFE
4. CREATE MOOC to support the digitalization of the youth work sector by creating e-learning opportunities via Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and ensure access for peer organizations worldwide
5. FACILIATE QUALITY SUPPORT to contribute overall to the quality of support provided by the youth work sector to people with fewer opportunities
6. PROMOTE EUROPEAN VALUES to promote such European values as empathy, compassion, intercultural dialogue
7. PROMOTE EUROPEAN YOUTH GOALS to promote Erasmus+ and European Youth Goals worldwide.
Through this KA2 project, we have created a training course about emotional intelligence for youth workers. This course is a product of an Erasmus+ Capacity-Building project that engages 9 different countries from all over the world, co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
Why this training?
This training will help you learn more about emotional intelligence and how to use it in your work with youth, personal relations and daily life.
You can find out more about the project and take part in it here
Dearest Partners of this project are associazioneinco, csds.vn, brigadadevoluntariosbolivarianosdelperu, marketinggate, vhsbhaktapur, danishyoutteam, codec, and soul-xpressions