Green Fly
Youth Exchange
Pedoulas, Cyprus
23 October – 01 November 2023
About the project:
Project Green Fly focuses on nature connectedness, mental wellbeing, active participation in the local community and learning reflections. This project has two parts. The first part was implemented in August 2023 in Slovenia, while the other part will be held in October 2023 in Cyprus.
- To support young people to actively participate in the development of the
- project program, focusing largely on their learning process and learning effect.
- To learn to plan, take responsibility for their own learning and realize that
- learning can also be fun and beautiful. We will achieve this by supporting them to
- prepare their program, and we will help them to reflect.
- To promote the connection of young people with nature. We will achieve this by
- spending a lot of time in and around nature;
- To raise awareness of the responsibility of each person for the preservation of
- nature, so that we observe and recognize our own (un)sustainable patterns and
- behaviour, and learn to change these patterns and behaviour.
- To carry out this project in such a way that we think more intensively about the
- connection of our project with local communities and therefore consciously
- include more activities that will enable quality dissemination of the results.