April – December 2020
Long Term ESC
Idrija, Slovenia
Project Summary
The project aims to extend and upgrade the activities of the youth center with the focus on its intercultural component through the development of street youth work and an upgrade of the youth hostel’s activities for (young) travelers.The project will include 2 international volunteers who will work together.
Main topics Street youth work with the MC mobil – cooperating in designing activities and tools for successful street youth work- traveling with our youth workers to the center of the town and its surrounding areas with the MC mobil van
– working with youngsters of different backgrounds and those with fewer possibilities
Activities in the Idrija Youth Hostel
– developing socializing activities for the young visitors of the hostel
– developing inventive ways of discovering Idrija and its surroundings
– writing about living in Idrija
– meeting guests and showing them around the Idrija’s local spots Intercultural activities
– interacting with the Idrija locals, residents and visitors in an engaging way
– promoting international projects, such as the ESC and E+ projects
– bringing forward this component in all the other activities
Get involved in the following activities, according to your interest:
– participating in the promotional activities (social media, designing posters, take pictures of events etc.)
– helping out at the hostel
– taking on some technical tasks around the house
– organizing workshops for local youngsters
– organizing open events such as country presentations or language cafe’s
– visiting schools and promoting Erasmus+ program, your country
– delivering workshops about culture, human rights, youth opportunities, volunteering
– initiating your own project.
Accommodation and transportation
The two volunteers will live together in an apartment in Idrija and they will share the
kitchen and the bathroom. The youth center is in charge of providing a place to live
for the volunteers
Food and pocket money
Money for food: 160€/month
Pocket money: 4€/day
This is the money you can use during your stay to buy food and anything else you
might need. You will receive it gradually, month by month.
There will be a half-hour break for lunch during working time.
Age Limit: 18-30 years old
If you are interested to take part in the project, Follow the Link Below for the Application From
The selection will close as soon as we find motivated candidates.
For any information : solidarity.planbe@gmail.com