Milestone no28: Volunteering

30th of August until 8th of September 2017
Kampos village, Cyprus


The main aim of this youth exchange was to inspire volunteering spirit among youth and to guide 36 young people coming from Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland and Cyprus on designing and implementing a local voluntary project.

The overall aim of the project was to improve the level of key competences and skills of young people. It further promoted volunteering and trained on volunteering creation and management project. At the same time this project inspired young people to get involved with volunteering activities and initiatives. In th

is way this project was also focused to fight unemployment, one of the main European and National priority.

Project Results:


During the project, participants designed and implemented an event that was addressed to locals who are mainly elderly. Because of this event, those people who has fewer opportunities because of geographical obstacles, had the opportunity to be engaged with young Europeans and to spend an afternoon together, with the activities organised by the participants. The aim of the activity was to promote volunteering spirit among the participants, to enhance their sense of initiative and of course to increase the knowledge related to volunteering projects, management and implementation. The skills gained from this activity have improved the level of key competences that can be used in a personal and professional level to fight today’s unemployment.


Another  result that came out from this project is that participants increase the communication in foreign language and established European friendships and network among them. In order to encourage intercultural dialogue and bonding, we organised intercultural evening. During that,  participants had the opportunity to share and to learn some history, food or dances from each country using interacting methods. We also created a board where we wrote some basics words and phrases in all the participants’ mother tongues and it was visible in the venue for the whole duration of the youth exchange.

Furthermore, in order to provide knowledge on Volunteering in Europe, we spend a whole morning session presenting European Voluntary Service. Starting with, a specialist in Erasmus+ KA1 presented the theoretical and logistic aspects of EVS and afterwards, the only participant who had participated on an EVS scheme shared with us his experience. This way, participants have learnt about this programme that Erasmus+ offers and got inspired to participate as well.

Here you can see the Facebook photo album that was created for the youth exchange Milestone no28: Volunteering and on the top of this page you can watch the video that shows how participants have experienced the project and gained new skills and competence.