
 1st – 9th  August 2019

Iscar , Spain

Youth Exchange


Project Summary 

The Association Deses-3 has the “Resettlement” project is a proposal of a multilateral Youth Exchange of 44 young people (18-30 years) from 6 different countries: Norway, Malta, Cyprus, Turkey, Romania and Spain, which will take place in the village of Iscar, between the 1st – 9th August 2019, which themes are rural Resettlement.

This exchange has the fundamental objective to combat the depopulation of rural youth, and ultimately, the disappearance of people and traditions of rural areas. In addition to show participants examples of generating self-employment opportunities in rural areas without having to leave their places of origin. Thus, different dynamics and games aimed at raising awareness among young people towards the environment, sports activities and the analysis of the situation of youth unemployment in the activities of the organizations to which they belong develop participants will be made and how from volunteering we actively promote to help communities and governments to alleviate an increasingly obvious and most pervasive problem: the gradual disappearance of our countryside, our origins and multiple consequences that entails for tourism, the economy, boosting the rural life and, first of all, nature itself.