Trade Olive

16th-25th  of November 2018

Kannavia, Cyprus

Youth Exchange



“Trade Olive” is a youth exchange that took place in Cyprus, in Nicosia district on 16/11/2018 until 25/11/2018. The project involved 42 young participants from Cyprus, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy and is primarily oriented to youth in risk of unemployment or with certain geographical or economic obstacles. It was  particularly promoted to young people in rural areas as well as young people willing to explore the entrepreneurial path through tradition and agriculture.



The main activities  includes things like harvesting of olives and to plant new olive trees to enrich the Cypriot nature  and to learn the methods of planting .Moreover we went to the oil mill to learn the process of the oil production. Also through the “intercultural nights” we had the chance to learn about new folklore dances and traditional customs for every country. The final day every country had to performed something traditional in a «Olive Festival» at Agias Eirini’s Municipal Centre.

The village was extremely close to the nature and it contributed to the amazing experience that we had. We had a lot of outdoor activities like hiking and exploring the nearest forest to collect mushrooms.  One of the main goals of the project it’s to get closer and make  strong relations with the nature and how to respect it. I think through the whole program we have accomplished more than we expect. A wooden key-ring from olive wood from PlanBe Organization was something extraordinary that spread the enthusiasm to the people.



  • PlanBe, Plan it, Be it (Cyprus)
  • Sdruzhenie Alternativi Internationa (Bulgaria)
  • Identities (Italy)
  • Asociatia Tinerilor Cu Initiatina Civica (Romania)
  • Agrupación Europea de Cooperación Territorial Duero-Douro (Spain)
  • Associacao Backup (Portugal)
  • G.Georgiadis, D.Vachtanidis, E. Baroso Kyriakidou, Non Profit (Greece)