VOTE EU-Encouraging Young Europeans to Vote

04th – 11th  November 2018

Constanta, Romania

Training Course



The ‘’Vote Eu – Encouraging Young Europeans to Vote’’ was a seminar which took place in Eforie-Nord in Romania in November 2018. In this project the participants were youth workers coming from 9 EU countries; Romania, which was the host country, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Hungary, France and Bulgaria.

The aim of the project was to find creative ways to encourage the young Europeans to vote in the national and European elections. The main problem, which we identified, was the high level of abstention among the EU countries and the reasons behind this issue.


During this project we had the opportunity to interact with other youth workers and exchange ideas. We also visited the municipality of Constanta, where we had a very interesting discussion about the European elections. In the sessions, we established new methods of persuading the youngsters to contribute to the electoral procedure. One of the most powerful and effective method that we all agreed upon is the use of social media platforms and other digital tools since they are proved to be extremely popular among the youngsters. The outcome of the sessions was that we created our own small ’’projects’’ based on our findings with the prospect to implement them in our countries.

Our overall experience was good as we had the chance to broaden our knowledge on EU affairs by collaborating with other young Europeans on such an interesting topic.