Y Guide

7th – 14th of March 2018

Modra, Slovakia

Training Course



22 people coming from Cyprus, Italy, Greece, Austria, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia, Portugal and Spain gathered in the beautiful city of Modra in Slovak Republic between the 7th and 14th of March 2017! Why? To participate in the training course Y Guide”, which was organized and implemented by the Slovak organization  LUMINO and funded by Erasmus+.

Our goal as a group of youth workers? To work on how to  disseminate the results of youth work and the Erasmus+ projects and proving that there is a need to implement such youth and community projects as it is beneficial for the society. The main aim of this project is to enable and build capacity of youth workers (group leaders, trainers, mentors, facilitators, officers etc.) of coaching and guiding young peoples career and boosting their resilience to facilitate their entrance in the labor market. The concrete objectives we have foreseen to achieve main goal were to explore and identify issues of youth employability in Europe and neighbors countries. Also to share best practices and innovative tools which participants will exchange during the course. And to encourage youth workers and operators to turn the learning part into practice beyond the training course.

In those 7 days, we had the great opportunity to get to know and to work on dissemination, communication and exploitation plans as good practices for the projects that we implement among our organizations. Also by sharing our experience and exchanging ideas we managed to get know international organizations which are working in the same field as our organization and talk about future projects.

At the end up, new and strong friendships came to the surface and the farewell time, even though it was sad and harsh, was full of positive smiles and promises, like seeing each other again. A big thank you, at the PlanBe, Plan it Be it, who gave us this opportunity to be a part of this team and participate at such a successful project.