Youth in Nature

05th-13th of May 2019

Gmunden, Austria

Training Course


During the training participants practiced outdoor education in its best way. They spend much time outdoors to experience the effect of the presented tools and methods directly. There  also had a theoretical input to understand the concepts behind the methods and a little bit more about the history and motives of outdoor education.  We visited a youth training center which is located in a beautiful countryside and which uses nature as an indispensable setting for their work with challenging youngsters. A second trip brought us to a nature reserve near Gmunden. It ́s a very touristic place and the location of some guided tours for the local tourism office and shows the tension between “protecting” and “using” nature.  Over all we will be 28 persons from 9 countries. 3 participants of each partner organisation, except Croatia with 4 participants, including one supporting person for a person with disabilities.

Our main objectives

● to raise awareness for the importance and power of nature in youth work
● to develop competences and skills to use non formal education tools in different
outdoor activities
● to introduce these pedagogical concepts for outdoor education:
○ Flow Learning from Joseph Cornell
○ Heritage Interpretation (Freeman Tilden)
○ Coyote teaching (Tom Brown)


Hello my friends, I just got something, worth sharing. Feel free to share it as well :)A big THANK YOU to Miriam Prinz for making this great video!

Gepostet von Simon Simon am Samstag, 29. Juni 2019