


The project aims to develop structured and innovative solutions towards increasing employability potential of young people throughout providing them with knowledge on social entrepreneurship & innovation.
“SET YP” has following specific objectives:
• Build capacity of the partnership in the field of social entrepreneurship and SI education, facilitate the transfer of best practices and boost human capital of consortium throughout learning mobility;
• Build capacity of the partnership in the field of non-formal learning methods applied to NEETs, in particular in the field of applying gamification approach to organization of learning process;
• Increase employability potential of NEETs throughout fostering their transversal skills and providing them with knowledge on social entrepreneurship and Social Innovation (SI);
• Develop comprehensive training module on SI education for NEETs and e-learning platform sustainable beyond the ‘SET YP’ lifetime;
• Encourage cooperation and networking between youth work and social business sector on national and international levels;
• Promote entrepreneurship and SI worldwide and European policies and activities in the field of social economy, in particular European Social Innovation Competition;
• Promote Youth on the Move and Erasmus+ programme, its objectives and opportunities, especially in the partner countries.
This is cooperation between partners from Belgium, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Colombia, Kenya, Nepal, Peru, Vietnam. This project is funded within Erasmus+ programme.
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