Monthly Archives: January 2018

5 posts

One Last Chance: Conflict Resolution

13th until 19th of November 2017 Narvic Region, Norway Training Course PlanBe has the pleasure to be a partner of the training course ‘One last Chance: Conflict Resolution’ vol.3. After the two successful implementation of the project, the organisations Ha Moment and Narviksdefwa organised the third volume of the project in […]

Διαβούλευση Διαρθρωμένου Διαλόγου (Structured Dialogue)

Τι έχει η συνέχεια για τους νέους της Ευρώπης; Το PlanBe, Plan it be it μαζί με το Συμβούλιο Νεολαίας Κύπρου σας προσκαλούν να λάβετε μέρος λέγοντας την δική σας γνώμη στην επόμενη Διαβούλευση Διαρθρωμένου Διαλόγου με θέμα το μέλλον των νέων στην Ευρώπη. Ο επόμενος σταθμός είναι στο Σπίτι του […]

CIA – Career In Action

7th until 17th of December 2017 Kannavia village, Nicosia District, Cyprus Youth Exchange Project Summary The youth exchange ‘Career In Action’ was an international project under the Erasmus+. The project focused on career guidance of 42 unemployed young people or people that want to change their career direction, coming from Italy, Greece, Portugal, […]

Erasmus+ Info Day, University of Nicosia

PlanBe, Plan it Be it was presented in the annual ERASMUS+ INFO DAY organised by the University of Nicosia Erasmus Office The most active in Erasmus+ NGOs in Cyprus were at the University on the 4th of December 2017. The UNIC Erasmus Office, the Erasmus Student Network-Nicosia (ESN), the Youth Board […]

Hugs 4 All

Limassol, Cyprus 11th​ ​–​ ​19th​ ​of​ ​February​ ​2018 Training Course Project Summary The training course ”Hugs for all “‘ will address the topics of social inclusion and anti-discrimination. This being the main theme of our project reflects the needs of multiple European societies since all of them, due to different […]