The Erasmus+ project, implemented in Seulo, Sardinia, addressed key challenges in rural areas by promoting employment, sustainable development, and youth retention. Over a week, 27 youth workers from nine countries participated in interactive workshops, debates, and networking sessions focused on professionalizing socio-educational animation and empowering local organizations. By fostering collaboration […]
Training Courses in Europe
29.01-08.02.2024 Llinars del Vallès, Barcelona Training course Day 1: We played various getting-to-know-you games with the other participants to break the ice. During the day we had gone for a nature hike and honestly the peace that nature transmitted to us was inexplicable. When we got back they introduced the […]
17 -25.05.2023 Ganløse, Denmark Training course Still speechless and feeling so grateful for the unforgettable memories made during the past week after this training course in Denmark. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who made this experience possible, especially the new friends, which made this […]
Digital Emotions Pákozd, Hungary 20-28 March 2023 “Digital Emotions” was a training course held in Pakozd, Hungary. Participants from 9 different countries took part including 3 participants from Cyprus. We all got the opportunity to share our experiences of online addiction during lockdowns and learn ways of spending our […]
Essence: youth work and disability Oroslavje,Croatia 14 – 21. 01. 2023 Training course Essence: youth work and disability was a training course that took place in Croatia including youth workers from 7 different countries, C r o a ti a, P o l a n d, G r e e c […]
Dramaturgy in a Journey 6-12 November 2022 Valverde (PV) Italy Training Course “Dramaturgy in a journey” was an international project with participants from Italy, Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Hungary, Estonia and Czech Republic. It took place in a small, beautiful village in Italy, named Valverde. The TC involved dramaturgical tools […]
Walk in my shoes 29/11 – 5/12/2022 Zagreb, Croatia Training course Between the 29th of November and the 5th of December 2022, four young people from Cyprus, decided to leave our comfort zones and travel to Zagreb, Croatia to meet with other people interested in the topic of migration. […]
Belonging to Nature Iceland 31st August – 7th September 2022 The second part of the training “Belonging to Nature” took place in Selfoss, Iceland from 31/8-7/9. After the first training which was this May in Slovenia, the team […]
The training took place in Wisla, Poland from the 11 th of July until the 19 th of July 2022. It was implemented with the involvement of 24 participants from Bulgaria, Poland, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Romania and Serbia. The main purpose of the training was to create awareness […]
04-10 of June 2022 Training Course Spazio Gran Paradiso – Alpette, TURIN – ITALY People from 11 countries across Europe, from various backgrounds and age groups, have taken part at SEA training course (Social Entrepreneurship in Action) that took place in the picturesque village of Alpette in the Italian alps between […]
Wisla, Poland 10-19 May 2022 Erasmus + Training Course Adapting Design Thinking tools for sustainability took place in the beautiful mountains of Wisla, Poland. Between 10 and 29 of May 2022. People from Cyprus, Italy, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, Portugal, Greece and Ukraine gathered in Wisla to be part of this […]
20th-24th of July 2021 Cagliari, Italy Training Course Digital Youth Dialogue and e-participation in policy making” is a project within the Key Action 3 of the Erasmus+ Programme. an island partnership between Cyprus, Sardinia, Malta, and Azores Islands. Together with all partners, we got the chance to meet […]
Athens, Greece Training Course In the mid of July (Maria, Elena and Fatty) travel to Greece (Athens) to represent Cyprus in Erasmus plus project called “THEIR HOMES ARE TAKEN THEIR FUTURE NOT PT2” with the help of PLANBE BE IT NGO. Where we had an opportunity to meet with other […]
12-19 June 2021 Zagreb, Croatia Training Course Representatives of PlanBe Plan it Be it participated in an international project within the Erasmus+ programme, intended for youth workers. The project with a title “Less is not more“ is a training course, with main activities held in Zagreb, Croatia, in the […]
23rd of February – 4th of March 2020 Murzasichle, Poland Training Course Η διμελής Κυπριακή αποστολή του ΜΚΟ PlanBe έλαβε μέρος στην δραστηριότητα με τίτλο ‘’Improdrama’’ η οποία έλαβε χορηγία από το Erasmus+. Η δραστηριότητα έλαβε μέρος μεταξύ 23/2/20 – 4/3/20 στο Murzasichle (Πολονία) και σε αυτήν συμμετείχαν κυρίως εκπαιδευτές […]
11th -17th of December 2019 Cagliari, Sardinia Training Course A project which aim is to share best practices, increase skills in terms of entrepreneurship, management, ICT, marketing, sustainability in tourism and engagement of communities and find path for youth workers to propose new and innovative ways to promote […]
08th-12th July 2019 Krakow, Poland Training Course Platform for Youth Integration is a non-governmental non-profit organization based in Krakow, founded in November 2018. We are a beginner foundation supporting local children, youth and intergenerational dialogue. Our goal is to develop civil society by promoting education, self-awareness, participation in democratic processes, knowledge […]
27th August – 04th September 2019 Potenza, Italy Training Course Training course “Get your horizons expanded!” – Life action planning role game: stereotypes & critical thinking (Human rights life action role playing) gathered 23 young leaders and youngsters from 6 countries. Training course involved youth leaders and youth […]
30th of August-8th of September 2019 Grotniki and Lodz, Poland Training Course The main aim of this training course is to develop the competences of 24 youth workers from 8 countries to help them better support their youth to identify and pursue their life purpose. Objectives To increase […]
29th of September – 07th of October 2019 Valverde, Italy Training Course The “Social Theatre Toolbox” project is a physical and mental space where participants can stop,take a break and reflect on the role of “theatre tools” that are often used in the field of youth work, a space where […]
1st-9th of October 2019 Diyarbakir, Turkey Training Course Youth Takes Initiative: Against Bullying” is a training course which brought 29 youth workers, leaders from 8 different countries together to get enough knowledge about ‘cyberbullying’; to learn how European Institutions are tackling it and creating tools (e-book, videos etc.) for youth workers […]
29th of November – 06th of December 2019 Larissa, Greece Training Course About the project Social media sites, online games, video-sharing sites and gadgets such as iPods, iPads and mobile phones are now part of the culture of young people. They have permeated young lives in such a degree, that it […]
06th-15th of December 2019 Gouvy, Belgium Training Course An educational game is a game that is designed to teach humans about a specific subject and to teach them a skill or change attitudes. Games are interactive play that teaches us goals, rules, adaptation, problem solving, interaction, all represented as a story. They give us the fundamental needs […]
03rd – 12st December 2019 Wisła, Poland Training Course About the Training Throughout Europe, we can currently observe the raise of xenophobia, racism, as well as ethnic and religious prejudices. It is also confirmed by many articles and researches. For example, EuroMed monitor claims that “Increased incidents of violence against refugees […]
05th-13th of May 2019 Gmunden, Austria Training Course During the training participants practiced outdoor education in its best way. They spend much time outdoors to experience the effect of the presented tools and methods directly. There also had a theoretical input to understand the concepts behind the methods and a little […]