Social Business for Inclusion


Torun, Poland

Training Course


The training course “Social Business for Inclusion” took place in Poland in the beautiful and historical city of Torun between 29th of June and 9th of July 2017, Implemented by the polish NGO Fundacja Dobry Rozwoj and funded by Erasmus+. It was a great opportunity to be there and have the chance to get to know all about Social Business.

This project gathered 27 different people coming from FYROM, Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Poland. All of  us  we had the same aim! Ready to learn more about this kind of business, work for it and share our knowledge and experience, and it’s what we did!

Sessions were given always through Non Formal Education and we used different kind of such as role playing games, discussions in smaller and bigger groups, study visits, interviews and interaction with local people and much more. During the first sessions we had an introduction to the field of Social Business and after this we had the honor to have a session and ask questions to one of the most passionate people who work with Social Business in Poland. For this reason we met mr Przemysław Oczyp who gladly shared his experience with us and he gave us such a lot of information about the terms of Social Business in general and he spoke about some good practices and good examples from Poland.

One of the tasks that we had to accomplish was to discuss and share some examples of Social Business which are already existed in our countries but also to put down some ideas that were born during the training and the introduction to this field.  

Tasks in the city center and some study visits in local Social Business made this experience even more intense, valuable and unforgettable! It was a good way to go from theory to practice and to see which are the needs of people, the needs of the community and how is being working a social business, to see how much work there is behind every successful Social Business!

Thanks to PlanBe for giving us this chance to represent Cyprus and the organization! Special thanks to the Erasmus+ and the host organisation Fundacja Dobry Rozwoj!    

#ErasmusPlus #FundacjaDobryRozwój #PlanBePlanitBeit #SocialBusiness #Inclusion 

Outcomes of the project:

2017 Erasmus Plus KA 1 Tool Kit, How to promote social economy among young people, E. Solarz, A. Skowera